Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why? .... a few thoughts....


why are we all so afraid of speaking what we know in our hearts to be the truth?

why are we so afraid to love ourselves.. much less another...

why are we afraid of our neighbors?

why do we shun others for crimes and outrages that we know... if we are honest with ourselves.. that we could be capable of in a different moment...

why do we laugh and gloat over others misfortunes while believing ourselves somehow more deserving and worthy of good fortune...

why do we recognize in our own lives the misery and injustices perpetuated upon our homes and our loved ones...

but when faced with the realities of a storm in another town we simply turn a blind eye... or comfort ourselves to sleep better in the night hours with the always effective "there is nothing I can do about it"?

why do we content ourselves with running on our hamster wheels?

always the push to work just a bit harder to put food in our families mouth... a roof over their heads...

why do we obey it.. the orders of another... the thoughts we are told to think through the words and faces on the screen... trusting as if they have done anything to earn it...

... eat the garbage they sell for our stomachs instead of learning the forgotten art of bringing forth our own food from the fertile soil all around?

why do we chase after the ever unattainable wants... never finding lasting happiness in any goal reached... only to move on to the next...

we have all we will ever need in our two good hands and solid sturdy legs... in the dirt beneath our soles... the sun behind the clouds of smog...

why do we swallow their medicines for every newly created disease? slather on their magic creams and ointments... swallow the empty rhetoric... making over and covering up the sources of our dis-ease...

instead of finding the roots... and pulling the weeds from our lifestyles...and finallly trusting in the perfectly designed miracles which are the human body.... and in the plants sprung of the same dust which we each came from and aim to return to...

Why do we accept a silent slavery... which eats away our years with the promise of easy street just a bit further down the road...

no longer allowing ourselves the luxury of experiencing our children growing... teaching them all our fathers and mothers taught us... and theirs before them...

believing that the system somehow knows better for our families... and can more effectively put our babies on the path to a life that is good and right....

what quality of life have we bought with such a heavy price...

why do we allow banks to come knocking on our doors throwing our children out into the streets when there is land aplenty in this world for everyone?

allow politicians to play their games with the lives of those we hold high... as a nation... as our sons and daughters

allow ourselves to believe that we do not share the same humanity as those on the other side of the earth... the same joys at holding a newly birthed child...

the same agony at our loss of love.. of life...

why do we seek to see the demons among our peers... instead of looking within our own hearts for whatever evil may be lurking there...

why do we treat other living creatures.. no matter how many legs they possess... as if they are objects... unable to feel the torture perpetrated upon them...

why do we demonize the ideals and pursuits of others... while believing our own thoughts and opinions to be the indisputable gospel truth...

why do we put our faith and hope for change behind a suit and a smile instead of searching inside ourselves for our own hero... our own leader...

why do we, who can see beyond our own noses, allow fear and paranoia to stop us from living our lives in the pursuit of a better world for tomorrow...

from speaking out against all of the wrongs of this culture.... of this world.

our voices were created to be heard... to be raised in times of danger...

what is it we fear?

death? someday she will come for us all....

prison? There is no greater prison than your own skin, if you so choose it to be your cell...

the loss of status? What honor is there that is greater than our own understanding that in our hearts we have strived in our lives, in our own way, in every way possible to create the ultimate existence...

the affections of friends... or family? Who is anyone else to decide the way for you? to put roadblocks of disappointment and discouragement in YOUR path...

the threat of hell... the promise of heaven? Each is here. now. within and without you... if you cannot recognize them here and now.. how will you know to see them after this life has passed....

or is it indifference? apathy?

we, as our children... and their children, will never see what paradise can be made from the rubble of a broken world... if as individuals we are not ready and willing to live for... to fight for... and eventually, to die..... for our freedom.

k.prue 02/15/2009

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